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Recommendation Systems

This blog posts does a pretty good job of laying out how a large-scale recommender system works: Real World Recommendation System - Part 1 - by Nikhil Garg (fennel.ai). In a nutshell, 

  1. Generate candidates (narrow the search space) - can't run recommendation systems on all data; so filter the data using some heuristics. The filtered data is the 'inventory'. 
  2. Filter the inventory - weed out stuff that's problematic, wrong, already seen by the user. 
  3. Extract features - the data that's going to be fed to the recommendation models. Typically, once a recommendation system is launched, the filters are logged and persisted with the data when that data is created, updated. The production systems don't compute/generate features on the fly (kinda inefficient - and also introduces the risk of feature divergence).