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Tiny Hacks
Reading List
Scratch Pad
Ameya Bhatawdekar
Tiny Hacks
A blog about tiny hacks that make things a tiny bit better.
See all windows apps
Formula for calculating the output size of conv layer
Simple housekeeping tips for Python projects
Interesting websites
Find and Kill processes
Remote Desktop on 2 of your 3 monitors
There's more to console than console.log
Windows Env Variables
Kevin Kelly's 68 bits of unsolicited advice
Read aloud in Edge
Quickly access the document location in Office
Convert an MP4 file to a GIF file using ffmpeg
Aliases in Windows Command
Customizing short-cuts for Windows Terminal
Custom Office Theme
Spend less time on Facebook (or Instagram or Twitter or ...) by turning notifications off
Declutter the Explorer panel in Visual Studio Code
Add the Anaconda command shell to Windows Terminal
Outlook calendar settings - 30 minute meetings